We r taking the 3.25pm flight to HK today. Tons of things to do b4 we can go. Alan n I woke up at 7+am, as usual.
On top of all the usual stuff we do ( settle deardear - brush teeth , give milkmilk, bathe, etc...), we dumped all the clothes into the washing machine. 2 rounds - 1 for us n 1 for deardear. Gotta hang the clothes too.
Altho we did pack the clothes yesterday nite, but still hv to pack in all the toiletries, shoes, n not forgetting all deardear's barang barang. I had no time to make a list, so wat i did was mentally play out all the things tt i do for deardear - bath time, feed time, go gaigai, etc... Hopefully, don't miss out any thing. As for medicine, i onli intend to pack neurofen (in case of fever).
On top of this, Alan still gotta prepare lunch. His specialty - fried vegetarian beehoon + abalone... yummilious... :-)
Ok, 1.30pm, the cab is waiting downstairs...
Off we go on our 1st adventure with deardear...
Oh yes, had our first flight out from T3. Probably bcos it still very new, environment was very quiet, n shops were very limited too ( if u compare to T1/T2 ). Had deardear to pose a foto wif me. see?

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