14 March 2008

Running nose

Deardear got running nose, since yesterday. Most probably due to the cold, rainy weather these few days. Haiz, last evening when i went to fetch deardear, mil told me deardear was whiny in the morning n didn't wan to nap bcos of blocked nose. Mil said deardear caught a cold bcos i bathed her in the evening. I told her not tt, more likely it's bcos she caught a cold during the nite bcos deardear doesn't want me to put blanket on her.

ST headlines today is on the flu outbreak in HKG. Lucky we went for our holiday 1 mth ago. Gotta monitor my deardear carefully. Furthermore, my house is on 18th flr, so windy n cold these few days. Even the marble flr is like ice. I gotta let deardear wear socks at night. Oh yes! Got to call prof tan to cancel appt again, deardear can't take vac when she's not feeling well...