19 March 2008

Why "miracle baby"?

There are a couple of reasons why my Ashley is a miracle to Alan & me.

Firstly, my gynae told me during the early stage of my pregnancy tt he's quite surprised tt i can get pregnant. Reason he told me is bcos from his scanning machine, he can see tt my womb is tilted. And it's usually more difficult for women in such condition to get preggy.

Secondly, i hv Hb-H disease. It's genetic, but i didn't know all along until pregnancy when we had to go for blood test. My gynae advised tt i may pass this disease on to my baby. Bcos of my condition, Alan was requested to go for a test. Really lucky tt results show tt Alan is normal, bcos this increases the possibility tt Ashley would b normal too ( to 75%). So, Ashley has a 25% chance of being born with Hb-H disease... And few days after Ashley is born, she was tested n results show tt she is normal! >.<

Now, u know why my Ashley is a miracle to Alan and me.