22 July 2008

21mths' milestones...

Motor skills
Deardear can climb up and down the stairs, by holding onto the railings. Think she got ample practice at mil's place in climbing up the winding staircase. (P/S: i think this achievement is a few mths outdated oredi! :-p)

Deardear can run quite fast nowadays. She's practising the "now, u c me. now, u dun."

Overcome fear
Well-done, my dear! I think my darling has overcome her fear of leaves... she's managed to walk a few times along the pavement with bushes along the sides, leaves and twigs on the ground! :-)

New food:
Kiwi - she's learnt to like the gold kiwi and makes noise when she doesn't get enough of it.
Yoghurt - she like yoghurt too, but it's the adult yoghurt, not the baby ones that i bought last time. Maybe i will buy them again n let deardear them.

New words:
下雨: she likes to say this whenever it rains... n she can even recognise raining scenes on TV and will tell mommi "下雨了"

Language skills:
One of the good things about bringing my deardear to my mil's place is that they speak Mandarin there and deardear can pick up Chinese from them. Although, the mandarin is far from perfect, but fair enough...