Both of us took leave on Ashley's birthday, to spend the day with our little gal. Being able to spend days out with her - putting work aside, is the best pressie for her. I can sense her happiness just by looking at her.
(all ready to go out...)
There were actually 2 places I had in mind to go - Fidgets or cycling in ECP. I know these are the 2 activities that she enjoys most. In the end, Fidgets won out as I wanted to see how she'd progressed since her last trip there about 6mths' ago. She has a blasting fun time there, spent 2hrs climbing, skipping, rolling, sliding, crawling, etc... And I was pleased that she did quite a few things that she didn't dare the last time - she went walking along the rope bridge, she climbed into the spaceship-like thing and waved to us, she even glided on the bar-thingy n swung from one end to the other, unaided.

I wondered and I concluded she knows it's a special day for her. Even though she was obviously tired out after the session in Fidgets, she didn't want to nap. So, I changed my plan and pushed the cake-cutting to the afternoon (anticipating she'll probably conk out early tonite). Alas, the major blip of the day - the cake - looks nice if u ignore Barney-lookalike's flat head and the toppled panda - flopped the taste test big time! Sponge cake was too hard. It was supposed to be vanilla lemon, but I couldn't taste the lemony zing at all. Yeah, I know... i should hv tried their cakes first before going for the expensive stuff huh... But I thought, it had several good reviews from the forum... :-( On hindsight, i wondered if those mommies were all friends???
But anyway, it didn't spoil Ashley's mood at all.... Y? Because she doesn't really fancy cakes... yep, my daughter is strange that way... ;-)
We had dinner at Sushi Tei, ECP branch. Ambience is real nice there, food was ok... I'd wanted to check out a special nice place for dinner, but since the leading lady here likes simple fare, we opted for Sushi Tei.
I got her this Swarovski crystal this year. Alan bought her a toy, on my suggestion (based on what I'd read from Welch's blog). I like the toy, it's fun and I had a great time building some of the stuff too. Needless to say, Ashley can't build anything yet, but she too had fun fiddling with the parts and she likes the stuff I build too, like the flower, windmill...
It was an enjoyable day, and most of all, a remarkable day as 3 years ago, on this day, we were blessed with Ashley...
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