21 March 2011

It's pathetic

- when I have to start doing idiotic, stupid and nonsensical things just because he asked for it.
- when I can't even take a day off in peace (with a valid MC) because he sent me an email saying "have a good rest and get well soon.  By the way, where is the XXX report?  We are 3 days' late."
-when I can't even take a day off with a valid MC, worked through lunch to send out a report at 2pm and still get ticked off by him for sending the report out late.  During my week off, he did the report on my behalf and sent it out at 2.43pm.
- when I get ticked off for some comments in a report that I sent out, but was vetted by him prior to sending out.

I am pathetic, aren't I?