The Chow family slept till abt 8.30am. Shiok!!! Dunno whether it's bcos deardear is tired out or air-conditioning, but deardear slept well last nite, didn't wake up at all, onli fidget here n there abit, n kick mommi n daddi...
1st things 1st - gotta prepare porridge for deardear, which i did straight after washing up. I washed the Ikan bilis, wolfberries and red dates, then placed them in the soup bag. Then, i washed the rice n dried scallop. Next, placed all these in the portable cooker, add hot water n tt's it! Have to see what comes out in 2hrs...
Alan helped me by settling deardear - change diaper, brush teeth ( yes! i didn't forget to bring her toothbrush n toothpaste :-> ), drink milkmilk. Oh! i have to wipe deardear's face to freshen her up...
Arnd 9.30am, we went down for breakfast. Deardear was very interested in our food. I gave her some fried noodles (which she loves) to pacify her bcos she keep wanting to eat our food. But onli abit bcos the noodles were fried with oyster sauce ( MSG!!! ). Ok, fruits u can get, deardear... darling deardear did eat a piece of melon.
At 11am, porridge is done. Looks good ( pic as proof.. hehe.. )... taste not bad too, considering i didn't put in any meat.

Scooped the porridge into Tiger food jar, packed all my baby barang, n off we go to Disneyland...
We took MTR there. Half-way thru the journey, deardear fell asleep. You can see that deardear was sleeping in the stroller from the 1st few pics we took at Disneyland entrance.
Our timing was good bcos when we reach there, the parade was juz starting. Deardear was woken up from her nap by the fanfare...
Alan carried her to watch the floats and wave to the disney characters...
After watching for a while, we got hungry n went to eat... I was thinking probably easier to get seats too since alot of people are still watching the parade.
Lunch was yummi!!!
And my deardear finished her porridge!!! I was soooo happy!!! My efforts are worth it!!!
After lunch, we walked around Disneyland. Didn't attempt to queue for any rides tho' cos the queues were simple too long and fast pass were not available tt day.
The only place we queued was Mickey Mouse house. It has a rather short queue n we decided to go for it. Deardear was very interested in the colourful furniture in Mickey Mouse house. We let deardear walk around abit too bcos there were not too many pple around.
We walked around to the souvenir shops too but i simply couldn't find any souvenir that i wanted to buy... sigh...
At around 4pm, deardear was abit fussy, so i went to the bakery and bought a croissant for her... yummy... think it's the cold cold weather... we get hungry easily...
Around 5+pm, we decided to head back to hotel.
Contrary to the general negative feedback on HK Disneyland, I rather enjoyed the time there. Wouldn't mind going again in the future...
Reached hotel around 7+pm, shopped around Grand Century Shopping Plaza (linked to Royal Plaza Hotel). Then, we went to the food court to buy dinner.
After dinner, i started to prepare the bathtub for deardear's bath. Probably bcos the bathtub is big n it's an unfamiliar environment, deardear started crying when i placed her to stand in the bathtub (filled to about 20cm with warm water). Alan was there to distract her while i quickly bathed her. Deardear, mommi sayang...
Lucky i brought moisturiser for deardear... it's so drying to sleep in airconditioning room...
The part i dun really enjoy is washing up, gotta wash up the milk bottles, cooking pot, food jar, utensils... etc...
Once done, zzz time... off to dreamland for the Chow family... deardear must be tired out, slept after a few minutes of patting...
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