We were there bright n early. It must have rained last nite bcos the ground was abit wet, but lucky this morning’s weather was nice – sun seems to be hiding behind the clouds, so not to hot.
Since deardear was familiar with tiger, giraffe, elephant, penguin (thanks to huggies diapers), these were the animals on top of the “must-see” list.
Being on unfamiliar ground, deardear didn’t want to walk, but lucky she wanted to sit in the stroller.
We had a fun time there. After a while, deardear has “warmed-up” enough to venture out of the stroller n had fun climbing up-n-down the steps at the elephant show tentage.
We stayed abt 2hrs+. And it was lucky for us too, bcos once we got into the car, it started to drizzle.
Pity we didn't see all the animals on the "must-see"list, next time we'll go see giraffe n penguins for deardear.
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