Character Development
- She is getting more assertive of her wants and don’t wants. At times, it’s real fun to cho-cho her n see her getting all upset n stamp her little feet (usually Alan does tt). But, of cos, we get all frustrated when we are rushing for time and all her ‘’don’t wants” just make us more upset. The good thing is bribes work, such as bribes of going gai-gai, playing wif iphone, will usually ensure her 100% cooperation n even help in putting away her toys, bringing the tissue n what-nots for going out. (I m definitely enjoying it while it lasts… n keeping my fingers crossed tt it lasts as long as possible…)
Motor Skills
- It’s got to do with the hand, so I guess I’ll categorise it here. Ashley is now able to turn the door knobs at my mil’s place. The door knobs they have are the simple rounded kind, so I guess it’s easier to turn. As for my own house, it’s the long handle type, which needs more force to push down n open. As all kids are, Ashley has a “never-say-cannot” attitude. She’s trying everyday, turning the door handles and locks, seizing all opportunities she gets. We already have our spare keys ready…
Language Skills
- I never thot i’d say (technically it’s blogging) this, but Ashley is starting to speak Chinese with a “ang-moh” twang… it’s hilarious to hear when she say words like “起来”, “出去” with an English-accented sound.
Other skills
- Ashley can wear/take off her pants now. I’d blogged a couple of months back that she can wear both legs, but doesn’t know how to pull the pants up. Well, she knows how to do that now.
- She can put on/remove her Crocs too, not the simple slip-on kind, but a pair of crocling (pic as shown).

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