24 February 2010

Conversations with Ashley

Ashley: Mommy, I am going to the market.
Me: Ok, what you want to buy?
Ashley: I am going to buy fishballs and apples for you to eat.
(Me secretly "awww.....", heart melting)
Me: Ok, thank you baby

Me: Ashley, you cannot ask Ma-ma (granny) to buy things for you ok? Ma-ma not working, no money to buy things for you.  If you want to buy things, you must ask Mommy or Daddy, ok?
Ashley (in the past): Orh...  (end of conversation)
Ashley (yesterday): Then, you give Ma-ma money lah...
Me: (surprised, but quickly recovers and change direction): But you cannot ask Ma-ma to bring you out gai-gai.  Ma-ma old already, need to rest at home.  Mommy and Daddy bring you go gai-gai when we are not working, ok?
Ashley: Orh... (end of conversation)

While in the car,
Me: Why the car in front drive so slow?
Ashley: (shouts) Car, car, go away!!!
Me: Ashley, what you doing?
Ashley: I scold car car for you.
Me: :-p

Me: Ouch, mommy hurt my leg.  (Action: rubs leg)
Ashley: (Action: walks over).... where?
Me: (Action: points to leg)
Ashley: I rub for you. (Action: rubs my leg)
Me: Thank you, baby.
Ashley: Tomorrow will be ok, no pain pain already.
Me: Ok, baby.